CLE Seminars
Current Events
FREE CLE: (8911) Expanding Intercultural Skills to Resolve Today’s Increasingly Multi-Cultured Disputes02/19/2025, 12:00 pm to 02/19/20251:00 pm
Description:FREE CLE for Labor & Employment Law Section members by attorney Lynn Cole, Florida Circuit-Civil Certified Mediator and Arbitrator, Tampa. Course number 8911 is approved for 1 Labor and Employment Law certification credit. Non-section members register for only $45, which includes section membership. REGISTER
In this program, mediator Lynn Cole will be using her recent experiences traveling to and working in Ukraine to highlight the importance of cultural considerations in dispute resolution.
(8808) Litigation Skills and Technology
03/05/2025, 9:00 am to 03/05/20254:50 pm
Description:Past Events
FREE CLE: (8901) Changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure—What Labor and Employment Lawyers Need to Know01/29/2025, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Description:FREE CLE for Labor & Employment Law Section members by Peter Sartes, Law Offices of Tragos, Sartes & Tragos, Clearwater. Non-section members register for only $45, which includes section membership. REGISTER
This webinar will highlight the recent changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, which include several significant amendments aimed at improving the efficiency and management of civil cases, and how it is likely going to impact the practice of labor and employment law in Florida.
(8818) 25th Labor and Employment Law Annual Update and Certification Review
01/16/2025, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Location: Description:
Register now for the 25th Labor and Employment Law Annual Update and Certification Review, scheduled for January 16 and 17** in-person only (no live webcast) at the Tampa Marriott Water Street. Reserve your spot here.
Join us on January 16 at 6:00 p.m. for a reception and the Tampa Bay Lightning v. Anaheim Ducks game at Amalie Arena. The cost is $100 per person (tickets sold separately).
The program is a comprehensive deep dive into Labor and Employment Law topics. This two-day course updates labor and employment law practitioners and prepares lawyers taking the Labor and Employment Law certification exam. The speakers, many board-certified in Labor and Employment Law, speak from vast experience. The presentations and written materials provide an excellent review and preparation for the certification exam.
**Normally hosted in conjunction with The Florida Bar Winter Meeting, the 2025 Labor and Employment Law Annual Update and Certification Review takes place in Tampa, and the dates differ from Winter Meeting.
Topics include PERA, Employment Related Business Interests, EEO Procedural, ERISA, FLSA, NLRA, WARN, Accommodation Claims, Common Law Torts and Workplace Privacy Claims, Constitutional Employment Claims, EEO Substantive Discrimination Claims, OSHA, Retaliation and Whistleblower Claims, ACA, COBRA, HIPAA, Family and Medical Leave Act, and USERRA.
Course number 8818 is approved for 17.5 General CLE Credits, 1 Ethics credit, and 17.5 Labor and Employment Law certification credits.
- Labor and Employment Law Section member $545; non-section member $590
- Full-time law college faculty/student $395
- Member of the Judiciary $200
- Fee waiver $200 (Requires discount code. Must meet qualifications. For more information, email
- Printed course book $70 + tax
*Florida Bar Board Certified in Labor and Employment Law
Day 1: January 16
8:00–8:10 a.m. Introductions
*Robyn S. Hankins, Robyn S. Hankins, PL, Palm Beach Gardens
*Marlene Quintana, GrayRobinson, Miami
Program Chairs
8:10–9:10 a.m. Public Employment Relations Act (PERA) / Public Employees Relations Commission
*Denise Heekin, Bryant Miller Olive, Miami
9:10–10:00 a.m. Employment Related Business Interests, including the Federal Arbitration Act and the Florida Arbitration Code
*Sherril Colombo, Littler Mendelson, P.C., Miami
10:00–10:15 a.m. Break
10:15–11:05 a.m. EEO Substantive Discrimination Claims
*Janet Wise, Sass Law Firm, Tampa
11:05–11:55 a.m. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN)
*Deborah La Fleur, GrayRobinson, P.A., Orlando
11:55 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00–2:00 p.m. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
*Adam Chotiner, Shapiro, Blasi, Wasserman & Hermann, PA, Boca Raton
2:00–3:00 p.m. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
Marc Sugerman, FordHarrison LLP, Orlando
3:00–3:15 p.m. Break
3:15–4:05 p.m. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)
*Cathleen Bell Bremmer, Carlton Fields, Tampa
4:05–4:40 p.m. Accommodation Claims
Patrick Martin, Ogletree Deakins, Miami
Day 2: January 17
8:00–8:10 a.m. Introductions
*Robyn S. Hankins, Robyn S. Hankins, PL, Palm Beach Gardens
*Marlene Quintana, GrayRobinson, Miami
Program Chairs
8:10–9:10 a.m. Common Law Torts and Workplace Privacy Claims
*Holly Goodman, Gunster, West Palm Beach
9:10–10:00 a.m. Constitutional Employment Claims
*Tad Delegal, Delegal and Poindexter, P.A., Jacksonville
(also Florida Bar board certified in State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice)
10:00–10:15 a.m. Break
10:15–11:15 a.m. EEO Procedural
*Kevin Johnson, Johnson Jackson PLLC, Tampa
11:15–11:55 a.m. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA)
*Eric Holshouser, Rogers Towers, P.A., Jacksonville
11:55 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00–1:50 p.m. Retaliation and Whistleblower Claims
*Ellen Leibovitch, Assouline & Berlowe, P.A., Boca Raton
1:50–2:35 p.m. Affordable Care Act (ACA), COBRA and HIPAA
Timothy Zehnder, Hill Ward Henderson, Tampa
2:35–2:45 p.m. Break
2:45–3:45 p.m. Family and Medical Leave Act
*Richard Tuschman, Richard D. Tuschman, P.A., Davie
3:45–4:30 p.m. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and State Military Leave Laws
*Kathryn Piscitelli, Sass Law Firm, Tampa
(8811) Muldrow: “Some Harm” Standard
12/04/2024, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Description:Next up in the Labor and Employment Law Section’s free CLE series is “Muldrow: ‘Some Harm’ Standard” on December 4 at noon. Kathryn Piscitelli from the Sass Law Firm will review the U.S. Supreme Court’s April 2024 decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis, Mo., which resolved a circuit split over the level of impairment to terms or conditions of employment that must be shown in establishing a Title VII claim. Such a component of a Title VII claim is familiarly known as the “adverse employment action” element. Muldrow adopted a “some harm” standard. During this free webinar, you’ll learn more about how Muldrow changed the legal landscape, as well as cases interpreting the Muldrow standard.
Course number 8811 is approved for 1 CLE and 1 Labor and Employment Law certification credit. REGISTER HERE
Kathryn Piscitelli is an attorney at the Sass Law Firm in Tampa. She has over 40 years of experience in labor and employment law. Ms. Piscitelli is board certified by the Florida Bar in labor and employment law. She is a past Chair of the Florida Bar’s Labor and Employment Law Certification Committee. She is an active member of the national and Florida chapters of the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) and has served on the executive board of Florida NELA. Ms. Piscitelli was selected to the Florida Super Lawyers list 2012-2024.
FREE CLE: The Power of PR in Employment Litigation
12/03/2024, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Jacksonville Bar Association, One Independent Drive, Suite 120, Jacksonville
Description:The Jacksonville Bar Association Labor & Employment Law Committee is hosting a FREE luncheon CLE on December 3 at noon, and The Florida Bar Labor and Employment Law Section is proud to be a sponsor. Attend “The Power of PR in Employment Litigation” in person at the JBA office or watch it live on Zoom. REGISTER
Evan Nierman from Red Banyan will delve into the importance of an effective public relations strategy for employment law practitioners. If you’re representing a high-profile client or involved in litigation involving claims with media attention, understanding how best to approach the case from not only a legal perspective, but also with a strong public relations strategy, is invaluable. This course will provide practical insights and best practices for lawyers to maximize the effectiveness of representation through the empowering use of public relations.
The Power of PR in Employment Litigation:
- Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 12–1 PM
- Live on Zoom and in person at the Jacksonville Bar Association, One Independent Drive, Suite 120, Jacksonville
- Contact: Craig Shoup, or (904) 399-4486
- Course number and CLE credit pending approval.
(8760) FREE CLE: Pregnancy Workplace Fairness Act
11/20/2024, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Description:Join us on November 20 at noon for a one-hour FREE Zoom webinar on the Pregnancy Workplace Fairness Act by Carmen Manrara Cartaya. Free CLE is a benefit of your membership in The Labor & Employment Law Section. REGISTER
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act went into law in 2023, and the regulations were finalized in June of this year. The PWFA is a federal law that requires covered employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” to a qualified worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, unless the accommodation will cause the employer an “undue hardship.” An undue hardship is defined as causing significant difficulty or expense. During this free webinar, you’ll learn more about this new law and how it will impact employers and employees. REGISTER
- Pregnant Workers Fairness Act FREE Zoom webinar
- Wednesday, November 20, 12–1 PM
- Course number 8760 is approved for 1 General CLE and 1 Labor & Employment Law Certification Credit
Carmen Manrara Cartaya is Of Counsel to Continental Attorneys at Law in Coral Gables. She is an experienced trial attorney who focuses her practice on employment matters and complex commercial litigation. She also leads the firm’s Labor & Employment practice group. Prior to joining the firm, Carmen was a trial attorney for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Miami District Office. Read her full bio here.
The Fair Labor Standards Act: 86 Years Young
10/25/2024, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Description:FREE live Zoom webinar by Linda Bond Edwards and Kayla Platt Rady, RumbergerKirk; Ryan Barack, Kwall Barack Nadeau; and Ross Vickers, Jackson Lewis. Course number 8687 is approved for 1 CLE; 1 Labor and Employment Law certification credit. REGISTER
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is one of the oldest employment laws in existed. When enacted the “bill provided for a 40-cent-an-hour minimum wage, a 40-hour maximum workweek, and a minimum working age of 16 except in certain industries outside of mining and manufacturing.” While the minimum wage has increased, the bill continues to require covered employers to pay minimum wage and overtime for all hours worked over forty in a workweek. Sounds simple enough but as recently as 2023, cases reached the United States Supreme Court for a ruling. A plaintiff and defense counsel panel will discuss why the law continues to be relevant even in the midst of technological changes that affect how and where people work. This noon time webinar will: 1) Demonstrate how Plaintiff’s claims are taking a deeper dive into the law to find violations of the basic requirements to pay minimum wage and overtime to covered employees. 2) Address how defense attorneys gear up to defend the nuanced claims. 3) Highlight how employers can comply with the new salary minimums for exempt employees.
(8618) 50th Annual Public Employment Labor Relations Forum
10/17/2024, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm
Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort
1001 W Buena Vista Dr, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
(407) 939-5277
Join your colleagues from the Labor and Employment Law and City, County, and Local Government Law sections from October 17–18, 2024, at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista for this timely, engaging two-day CLE. The program is in person only—no live webcast—and is a unique opportunity to learn from and network with some of the nation’s top labor and employment law professionals.
- Book rooms by Wednesday, September 18. Rooms start at $260.
- Register.
The agenda includes an optional, free, half-day workshop on the Special Magistrate process and careers in ADR benefiting Special Magistrates and practitioners alike. The main conference includes a 50-year retrospective on PERA plus commentary on what the next 50 years will bring. Our speakers will also share insights about public sector discipline and discharge, elected officials and their roles and risks, the law of unilateral change, the new face of protected concerted activity, the unanswered questions on SB256 and SB 1746, an 11th Circuit update, and more. This is a “can’t miss” program for all management and union practitioners alike.
Course number 8618 is approved for 12 CLE credits, all of which may be applied toward Ethics; and 12 certification credits each in City, County, and Local Government Law; Labor and Employment Law; and State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice. Members of each sponsoring section register for only $660.
Day One—October 17: Optional Half-Day Workshop (no extra cost to attendees)
The workshop focuses on the Special Magistrate process and careers in ADR.
- 8:30–8:35 AM: Welcome
- Program Chairs Glenn Thomas, Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.; and Deborah C. Brown, Brown Law & Consulting
- 8:35–9:25 AM: Structure and Process: Running an Effective Impasse Resolution Dispute Procedure
- Kenneth Starr, Starr ADR; and Michael G. Whelan
- 9:25–10:15 AM: After the Hearing: Post–Hearing Observations and Insights
- Tom Young, Mediator, Arbitrator & Special Magistrate
- 10:15–10:25 AM: BREAK (coffee/snack service)
- 10:25–11:15 AM: Pitfalls and Practice Pointers
- Stephen A. Meck and Jeffrey E. Mandel, Fisher Phillips
- 11:15 AM–12:05 PM: Creating and Marketing Your Neutral Practice
- Kelly Overstreet Johnson, Overstreet Johnson Mediation & Arbitration
- 12:10–1 PM: LUNCH on your own
Day One—October 17: Main Conference
- 1:00–1:15 PM: Welcome
- Program Chairs Glenn Thomas, Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.; and Deborah C. Brown, Brown Law & Consulting
- 1:15–2:05 PM: PERA Turns 50: Enduring Cases and Observations After 5 Decades
- Stephen A. Meck; Thomas Brooks; and Michael Mattimore, Allen Norton & Blue
- 2:05–2:55 PM: Desperately Seeking Stability: Union Registration, Dues, and Strategies for Calming the Storm
- Martin Powell, Meyer, Blohm and Powell, P.A.; and Sacha Dyson, Bush Graziano Rice & Hearing, P.A.
- 3:10–4 PM: Elected Officials: The Ethics and Risks in Shifting Roles
- Stephanie M. Marchman, GrayRobinson, P.A.
- 4–4:50 PM: Change is Hard: Waivers, Exigency, and Other Defenses to Unilateral Change
- David C. Miller, Bryant Miller Olive
- 5–6 PM
- 6–8 PM: RECEPTION (Beverages, Appetizers & Camaraderie)
Day Two—October 18: Main Conference
- 8:30–8:40 AM: Welcome
- Program Chairs Glenn Thomas, Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.; and Deborah C. Brown, Brown Law & Consulting
- 8:40–9:30 AM: Let’s Get Organized: Secrets to Staying Compliant in Union Organizing Campaigns, Elections, and Beyond
- Mark W. Floyd, Mierzwa & Floyd, P.A.; and Jeffrey E. Mandel, Fisher Phillips
- 9:30–10:20 AM: The New Face of Protected Concerted Activity: Rights and Responses
- D. Marcus Braswell Jr., Sugarman, Susskind, Braswell & Herrera; Erin Jackson, Johnson Jackson PLLC; and Thomas Brooks, Moderator
- 10:20–10:30 AM: BREAK
- 10:30–11:20 AM: The Death of Public Sector Unions: Myth or Reality
- Mark Richard, Phillips, Richard & Rind, P.A.
- 11:20 AM–12:10 PM: Eleventh Circuit Update
- Damon Kitchen, Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete
- 12:10–1:15 PM: LUNCH honoring past Commissioners and General Counsel
- Kerey Carpenter, Chair, Public Employees Relations Commission
- 1:15–2:05 PM: You’re Fired (or Not): Discipline and Discharge in a Unionized Environment
- Richard Siwica, Egan, Lev, Lindstrom & Siwica, P.A.; and Brian Koji, Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.
- 2:05–2:55 PM: Implementation of SB256 & SB 1746 and PERC Case Update
- Gregg Morton and Janeia Ingram, Public Employees Relations Commission
- 2:55–3:05 PM: BREAK
- 3:05–3:55 PM: Bargaining over Retirement Benefits: Tips and Traps
- Glenn Thomas, Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A.
- 4:55–4:45 PM: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Unraveling Unit Configuration and Modification
- Deborah C. Brown, Brown Law & Consulting
View Brochure (PDF)
(8620) FREE CLE: The FTC and the Future of Employee Noncompete Law
08/28/2024, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Description:(7628) Advanced Labor Topics 2024
04/18/2024, 12:55 pm to 1:30 pm
Omni Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC
Description:2024 Advanced Labor Topics was presented on April 18-19, 2024, a two-day, in-person (only)* event at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, N.C.
*This program was not recorded for aftermarket sales. Nationally renowned speakers presented the latest updates from key government agencies and well-known leaders in our area of practice.
View the event brochure. Promotional videos by our presenters can help you learn more about the 2024 program:
Course classification: Advanced. CLER Program (max credit: 8.0 hours): General: 8.0 hours, Ethics: 1.0 hours, Technology: 1.0 hours. Certification Program (max credit: 8.0 hours): Labor & Employment Law: 8.0 hours
For more information about CLER/Certification requirements, click here.
12:55–1:00 PM Welcome & Introductory Remarks
Program Chairs Alicia Koepke, Trenam, Tampa, and James Craig, Macfarlane Ferguson & McMullen, Tampa
1:00–1:50 PM Using Artificial Intelligence for Employment Purposes
Lindsey Wagner, Moxie Mediation, Burbank, CA
Government agency interpretations, case law, and trends
1:50–2:40 PM NLRB Update
Jennifer Abruzzo, NLRB General Counsel, Washington DC
Recent NLRB decisions and agency initiatives
2:40– 2:50 PM Break
2:50–3:40 PM Wage–and–Hour Update
Dennis McClelland, Phelps Dunbar, Tampa
Case law updates, DOL proposed rule to increase salary threshold for white–collar exemptions, challenges to and status of DOL tipped employee regulations, and trends in class/collective actions
3:40–4:30 PM Obtaining and Opposing Summary Judgment in Employment Cases
Benjamin Yormak, Yormak Employment & Disability Law, Bonita Springs
Recent rulings on motions for summary judgment in employment cases, how Florida courts are handling summary judgment motions after the Florida rule revisions
5:00–6:00 PM Executive Council Meeting
8:15–8:55 AM Breakfast (included in program)
8:55–9:00 AM Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Program Chairs Alicia Koepke, Trenam, Tampa, and James Craig, Macfarlane Ferguson & McMullen, Tampa
9:00–9:50 AM Workplace Privacy & Surveillance
Greg Hearing, Bush Graziano Rice & Hearing, Tampa
9:50–10:40 AM EEO/Discrimination Update
Robert Weisberg, Miami
Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation case law and developing issues update; emerging DEI and EEO arbitration issues; the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and proposed EEOC regulations; EEOC proposed enforcement guidance on harassment; EEOC Technical Assistance documents on the use of Artificial Intelligence
10:40–10:50 AM Break
10:50–11:40 AM Trial of Employment Cases
Thomas Roebig, Jr., Florin|Roebig, Palm Harbor
How trials of employment disputes differ from other types of trials; advanced techniques, strategies and issues when trying employment cases; case law
11:40 AM–12:30 PM Professionalism and Ethics in Litigating Employment Disputes
The Honorable Timothy Corrigan, Chief Judge, Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville
12:30 – 1:30 PM Lunch (included in program)
6:00 – 7:00 PM Cocktail Reception (included in program)
7:00 – 8:30 PM Dinner (included in program)
View Brochure (PDF)(8218) Practicing in Front of State Labor and Employment Agencies
03/01/2024, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm
Available to purchase online.
Description:Practicing Before State Labor & Employment Agencies was held on March 1, 2024, in-person at The Florida Bar in Tallahassee and live webcast. Course number 8218 is approved by The Florida Bar until approximately July 01, 2025, for 8 CLE credits and 8 board certification credits each in Labor and Employment Law and State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice. Hosted by The Florida Bar Labor and Employment Law and Administrative Law Sections. View the event brochure.
Buy the course online through The Florida Bar:
DESCRIPTION: This program offers practice pointers for labor and employment cases before the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR), Florida Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC), Florida Department of Commerce, Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission (RAAC), Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), and First District Court of Appeal.
8:30 a.m. Introductory Remarks
Cristina Velez and Amanda Neff, Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission
8:40 a.m. Florida Commission on Human Relations— Investigative Process
Panel: Cheyanne Costilla, Juan Collins, Darren Dante Bonner, Florida Commission on Human Relations
Moderator: Gary Printy, Jr., The Printy Law Firm, Tampa
9:30 a.m. Florida Commission on Human Relations—Review of Recommended Orders
Panel: Cheyanne Costilla, Juan Collins, Florida Commission on Human Relations
Moderator: Viktoryia Johnson, FordHarrison, LLP, Tampa
10:00 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. Judicial Review of Agency Action in Labor & Employment Law Cases
Panel: DCA Judges Stephanie Ray, Joseph Lewis, and M.K. Thomas, First District Court of Appeal
Moderator: Jeff Slanker, Sniffen and Spellman, Tallahassee
11:00 a.m. Public Employees Relations Commission— Employment Law Jurisdiction
Panel: Janeia Ingram, Lyyli Van Whittle, Public Employees Relations Commission
Moderator: Alison Parker, Public Employees Relations Commission
11:45 a.m. Public Employees Relations Commission—Labor Law Jurisdiction
Panel: Don Rubottom, Gregg Morton, Public Employees Relations Commission
Moderator: Don Slesnick, Law Offices of Slesnick and Casey, LLP, Coral Gables
12:30 p.m. Lunch Break
1:30 p.m. Florida Department of Commerce Office of Reemployment Assistance Appeals—Hearing Process
Panel: Monica Jackson-Marcotte, Mary Gordon Gavalas, Ryan Pahota, Florida Department of Commerce
Moderator: Tiffany Cruz, Cruz Law Firm, P.A., Tallahassee
2:30 p.m. Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission— Review of Referees’ Decisions
Panel: Commissioner Thomas Epsky, John Kunberger, Sarah Schroder, Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission
Moderator: Tiffany Cruz, Cruz Law Firm, P.A., Tallahassee
3:00 p.m. Break
3:15 p.m. Division of Administrative Hearings
Panel: Administrative Law Judges Andrew Manko, Yolanda Green, and Bruce Culpepper, Division of Administrative Hearings
Moderator: Nicole Sieb Smith, Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell, P.A., Tallahassee
4:45 p.m. Closing Remarks
View Brochure (PDF)